Fighting for Democracy During a Global Pandemic

Fighting for
Democracy During
a Global Pandemic

The people of Myanmar are being repressed and oppressed by a violent military junta amidst a raging pandemic.

The people of Myanmar have struggled greatly facing not only a violent military junta, but also a devastating third wave of COVID-19.

Six months into the coup, Myanmar faced a deadly third wave of COVID-19 that took its toll on an already stressed healthcare system. Hospitals grappled with a shortage of staff and supplies. More than 600,000 cases and nearly 20,000 deaths have been reported since the start of the pandemic, with over 16,000 from the third wave alone.

But the 'official' statistics belie the desperate situation on the ground as thousands of people queued for emergency care, oxygen tanks, and crematorium services. Many believe the number of cases have been grossly underestimated; and with limited testing and a small percentage of the population fully vaccinated to date, Myanmar remains at a high risk.

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